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Extra, extra! News and views for Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Here are some articles, essays, and editorials that caught our attention this past week or so.*

A blessing service as part of a day of action in defiance to the Vatican’s ruling on same-sex unions in the Youth Church in Würzburg, Germany, May 10, 2021. (Gehrig/CNA Deutsch)

Progressive Catholicism Is Not Prophetic Catholicism – “Staying in tune with a liberal society that has no clear idea of what it is moving forward to, doesn’t necessarily constitute being prophetic.” The Psychological Makeup of the Catholic Liberal (What We Need Now)

Declining to Pause – “This period of American religious history is not so much a reversal of the large seismic shifts the country has been experiencing since the 1990s, but rather a brief pause.” Is Christianity No Longer in Decline? (First Things)

The Thin State of the Culture – “Culture is the ultimate source of everything happening now. Even political change is the result of cultural shifts.” The World Was Flat. Now It’s Flattened (The Honest Broker)

Lifestyle Apps – “Over the last ten years, lifestyle apps have come to play a major role in our culture.” Optimizing for Holiness: App Culture and Catholic Spirituality (Public Discourse)

China: One Country, Two Systems – “The story of Jimmy Lai, a 77-year-old Hong Kong businessman turned human rights activist and convert to Catholicism, is unfolding at the intersection of politics and religion between China, the Vatican, and the US.” America and the Vatican Must Confront China on Human Rights, Starting with Jimmy Lai (Providence)

The Vatican and María Valtorta’s Visions  – “In a statement published March 4 but dated February 22, the DDF said that Valtorta’s ‘alleged ‘visions’, ‘revelations,’ and ‘messages’’ cannot be considered to have a supernatural origin.” Under new norms, DDF weighs in on alleged mystic (The Pillar)

Cardinal Roche Celebrates Latin? – “In this exclusive interview, marking the Golden Jubilee of his ordination, Cardinal Roche reflects on his five decades of priesthood and distinguished service to the Church.” EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Cardinal Arthur Roche – ‘If they only knew that most days I celebrate Mass in Latin’ (Catholic Herald)

Real Totalitarianism – “The American Left’s discourse is replete with comparisons of President Donald J. Trump to Adolf Hitler and constant evocations of a dangerous “fascist” threat to democracy supposedly coming from an altogether illiberal Right.” Hitler All the Way Down (The American Mind)

A Christian Administration? – “From what I’ve seen, the president’s team is earnestly striving to apply the precepts of our faith to the policies that govern America.” The Trump Administration: More Catholic Than You Know (National Catholic Register)

Wholesome Literature Wanted – “There is a real need for more Catholic literature for young (and not so young) people. But the reality is that in comparison with the past, relatively few books aimed at Catholic teenage and young adult readers are being published.” Our children need better Catholic fiction to help solidify their formation in the faith (Catholic Herald)

(*The posting of any particular news item or essay is not an endorsement of the content and perspective of said news item or essay.)

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  1. As to the Catholic Herald’s marketing campaign for Cardinal Roche of the UK, Damian Thompson (formerly of the Herald, who left it because their preference to serve as PR for the Church establishment, and in particular their refusal to report on corruption in the Church establishment) has reported that “Eminence” Roche (ER) is a fraud who has cruelly persecuted faithful Catholic people who revere the Extraordinary Form of The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

    “If ‘they’ only knew I say the Mass in Latin.” Sounds like McCarrick-grooming-speak.

    I have read ER’s own words in rejection of the traditional Roman Rite, outlawing it because he rejects “the theology” of the traditional Roman Rite. I take him at his word, and understand him to be dog-whistling his apostasy while “virtue-signaling” the same to his CEO the Pontiff Francis. Likely among these are the apostasy that Jesus didn’t die for our sins, as the Cardinals counterparts in Germany have declared. And likely, that bowing in prayer before Pachamama is not an offense against God’s 1st Commandment. So many more to ponder…

    In news not written in the Catholic Herald, it’s the words of the Sacrifice of The Mass that indicate a person’s faith, persons like my parents and grandparents), and NOT the language adorning the words.

    • Righteous, Chris.

      I could not finish the article on Roche. Someone’s been stoned or hit over the head by Roche’s rock.

      The second paragraph describes Roche’s ‘service’ to the church as ‘distinguished.’ I had to check to see whether the bees of Babylon had satirized the ugly raw truth.

      Next, ‘liturgical formation’ ‘challenges’ are ‘pressing’ in the ‘contemporary context.’

      The eminence need not bother. The faithful have no need nor will we heed one more fly on the dung heap.

      Where has Damian Thompson fled?

  2. @Cardinal Roche Celebrates Latin
    In these abbreviated comments on Pope’ Francis’ [Desiderio Desideravi] we read how the Church’s liturgy “should be undertaken by the community as a great act of love for the Lord.” Yes, as culminating in the doxology of Christ’s (!) triune love for the Father, and of ourselves as “through, with, and in Him…”

    BUT, still unaddressed in this interview is the root tension between the extraordinary and ordinary forms of the one Latin Rite, now reduced to simply the language used: “If they only knew that most days I celebrate Mass [Novus Ordo] in Latin.”

    HOW to participate as the Church as “assembled” in the whole Mass—as more fully retained in St. John Paul II’s “Prayer Before Mass”, as the “unbloody RENEWAL AND EXTENSION of Christ’s Sacrifice [!] on the Cross” through the hands of an ordained priesthood? Meaning, the Church assembly as more than a “community” because meaning “love” as firstly the self-donation of the incarnate Christ within the mystery of the Triune One.

    HOW to “do” (?) all of this without reducing the Mass to “Project Church” (“The Ratzinger Report,” 1985). That is, without either (a) confusing the perennial Real Presence (CCC 1374) with what Roche understands as “an overly elaborate” form of the Rite, OR (b) with what others understand as an underly defined “community” (resembling too much the substituted Lutheran form?).

    SUMMARY: about this historic, unresolved, and real tension between form and content—at the altar, we read of Roche’s possibly selective “listening”—at the “synod” or now community roundtables.

  3. @ The Vatican and María Valtorta’s Visions
    DDF theologians had an obligation to avoid the popular acceptance of a perceived 5th Gospel in contrast to the 4 Traditionally confirmed by the Church as divinely revealed. What may be argued is that The Poem of the Man God is spiritually inspired to promote devotion in the reader.

  4. Re: Progressive Catholicism Is Not Prophetic Catholicism – “Staying in tune with a liberal society that has no clear idea of what it is moving forward to, doesn’t necessarily constitute being prophetic.” The Psychological Makeup of the Catholic Liberal (What We Need Now)

    A progressive Catholicism in no way derives from ‘prophecy.’ Unless ‘progress’ is a repentance-conversion-reversion-return TO the Immutable Lord and His Church.

    The prophets of the OT were not future-tellers. Rather, the OT prophets spoke messages from God to men, and the dominant messages were to return to the Lord and His Ways. Grave and disastrous consequences would attend men who did not heed the prophecy to return to God.

  5. Well, Father, if people get their devotional jollies from a whining mama’s boy Jesus who gleefully stomps a “lascivious caterpillar” and offers to snap off his genitalia as proof of his love, who am I to judge? Of course I did judge Valtorta’s monstrous masterpiece in these pages: It’s a sick book set down in automatic writing by a disturbed woman.

      • You must admit, Father, that I do excel at sarcasm. It’s the fruit of exasperation–decades of exasperation–with this horrid book. My comment above cited actual content that I’d love to hear Valtortistas try to spin. I gave the link to one of my serious criticisms. I have to conclude that a lot of Catholics will accept anything if it’s packaged in flowery sentimental “spiritual” language without noticing what that language actually says. Do the Poem’s readers really think that Jesus found human beings so disgusting that he could barely stand to be around them? Or that Mary proclaimed: “I hate men. Men are wolves and snakes.”? (Oh, but Bl. Rosmini calls the Poem’s Mary the most perfect representation of her by anyone anywhere.) Or that a Jesus who’s boasted of his perfect knowledge somehow doesn’t know that St. Luke wasn’t Jewish or that Hebrew isn’t a flowery language or that animals don’t always mate soberly. (Dogs, anyone?)

        The separate wikipedia entries on Valtorta and the Poem are marvels of special pleading, essentially advertising flyers for the book. They do not address the major issues that got the work condemned in the first place. Hint: it wasn’t just for the lack of an official imprimatur.

        • Yes you do. My O Sandra was an attempt to compete.
          Never read The Poem, and don’t intend to, except for a couple of pieces that don’t give the whole picture. Appreciate your knowledge.

    • The Wikipedia entry for this work was updated yesterday, March 11, 2025. It is not clear just what was edited or added:

      What do Ignatius Press, TAN Books, Sophia Press Institute, Emmaus Road Publishing, Arouca Press, Word on Fire, Baronius Press, Ascension Press, Angelus Press, Os Justi Press, FaithWords, The St. Paul Center, University of Notre Dame Press, and Catholic University Press have in common? Nothing by Maria Valtorta.

  6. Yep, with all due respect to Latin, the cynicism of lib prelates seeking to appease traditionalists are like lib politicians proving how down to earth with the common people they are by eating ice cream.

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